Andrea Legarreta

Andrea Legarreta Martinez was born in Mexico. She has worked as an actress and television personality. She was married to the singer Erik Rubin with whom she had two daughters. Andrea Legarreta Martinez (born July 12th 1970) is the eldest child and was the sole child born to Juan Legarreta, Isabel Martinez and their three other children. Not only was she gorgeous, but also had a wonderful personality. She was so pretty and aware that one of her uncles, working in the field of advertising, suggested her to take over the role of a tiny model who cancelled her participation in a commercial at very last moment. So, her artistic journey began with no awareness when she was only two years old. They always referred to her as an "model child" and when she reached 8, she already knew she was going to earn a living in the world of entertainment. The parents of her asked her to let her enroll in the Televisa Artistic Training Center and she started to mix school, acting classes as well as a few roles on television soaps and dramas. Andrea Legarreta's story is like the plot of the Disney fairytale that is, a childish princess is in love with her prince charming and they share a happy-ever-after. Everyone doesn't have a flawless life, certainly at least not publically. But it's still obvious that she was touched by a fairy Godmother in order to provide her with the talents and charisma to maintain a career that lasted for a long time. In addition, she has the husband that is admired by daughters with amazing talents as well as a physique that is to be a bit flimsy for someone her years.

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